PFRC-2 Experiment
PFRC-2, located at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, employs odd-parity RF heating to form and heat an FRC. Ion heating experiments are planned in late 2022. Supported by DOE and ARPA-E.

Power Electronics
With ARPA-E support, we are building ultra high power-density boards for plasma heating and control using the latest semiconductor technology.

Our 2022A INFUSE grants with PPPL and UC-Davis will analyze new RF antenna designs, explore plasma stabilization techniques through modeling and measure electron profiles on PFRC-2.

Superconducting Magnet STTR
We tested a 0.5 T magnet with a copper coil to simulate FRC formation and destruction and explore magnet quench scenarios.

Our Phase I/II NIAC for a fusion-powered Pluto orbiter and lander produced a thrust and specific impulse model from UEDGE simulations. Our video explains how it works.